The statuses of the bookings can be defined by the users. A status has a name, a title color and a background color. I.e. canceled, new, pending, confirmed, finished.
Customizable service types
Service types of booking items can be defined by the users. The system will generate invoices based on service types settings (VAT rules, VAT on margins etc).
Custom documents
The system can generate PDF documents for contracts, suppliers order forms or any other type of document needed. The templates of the documents can be defined by the users.
Direct customer interaction
The system allows to register bookings requests from direct selling such as face to face interaction, email or phone.
Web site interaction
The system allows to register bookings made on agency website using an API/XML interface. These bookings will be automatically registered when a customer makes a booking on the website.
GDS interaction
The system connects with all major GDSes and automatically imports the PNRs. The system interacts with Travelport Galileo MIR, Travelport Worldspan TAIR and Amadeus AIR.
Wholesalers interaction
The system can connect with a number of wholesalers to import the booking made by the users in their systems.
External documents
Beside the standard documents generated by the system based on defined templates, the user can attach any other document to a booking. I.e. confirmations from suppliers.
Custom fields
The user can define fields that are needed for booking management that were not provided by the system. I.e. corporate customers need to specify the cost center of the travel sale.
The system offers a large number of reports for booking and bookings items that can be filtered, printed or sent by email. Beside the standard reports the user can define any custom report that is needed.
Using the system settlements the user can link bookings with sales invoices, purchase invoices, collections and payments. This is the best way to determine the commissions and fees.
Multiple currencies
A booking can have multiple services in multiple currencies. The invoice can be done in only one currency using the exchange rates or separately for each currency.
Booking merge
Multiple bookings can be merged. The user can invoice a booking or a set of bookings together.
Booking items actions
Booking items can be edited, deleted or moved from one booking to another.