- Descriptions
- Detailed itinerary
- Pictures
- Automatic quotes
Most of the times you find out that specific individuals from a group desire for various types of services. Now you are able to input all of these services and our tour operator software calculates the quote.
More than that, you can even generate a '.pdf' description of the itinerary to hand it to your customer. Thus you can now deliver more inquiries/offers in less time.
The small tour operators system can manage all the service types that can be sold in a tour, from accommodation/transport to complex optional services/ancillaries. This way you can sell all the services you provide by maximizing the total value of sale and the commission.
Right now you will have no excuses for not selling a specific travel service so that your customer is obliged to buy the desired ancillary from your own supplier without getting your own markup/commision.
The tour operator system automatically records all the services from a tour by simplifying all the operations carried by a travel agent for the registration and management of all of your bookings. Dozens or hundreds of details are automatically inputted by one click.
Therefore all subsequent operations like billing and collections are being done automatically. Everything is handled by the system so you will have more time to count the money you make :).
Pull out in the online environment/on the website the tours you build so you can sell much faster your own products and increase the number of satisfied customers. You can get rid now of all the different exhaustive systems that allowed you to create and manage tours and itineraries by using a single solution that keeps everything altogether.
Let the Excel, Word or even the Website Admin and have all of your tours details taken together. Now you can input all the details once, at the beginning and you can quickly publish them on all the sales channels: website, email etc.
At this very moment you won't have to write tons of emails to each supplier, for each travel service and for each sales process. The tour operators software will automatically generate all the emails for requesting quotes and availabilities from your suppliers, so you can dedicate more of your time to your customer.
The small tour operators system generates all the documents you need straight from the registered bookings: the rooming list, the list of optional services etc. Only now you can spend more time for analyzing your business' growth and spend less time for (effectively) working.
We're all aware that the activity of a tour operator is quite comprehensive and a travel agent must simultaneously do many things. Therefore we've specially designed this system for SMALL TOUR OPERATOR's use so they can work less and grow faster.